Write your Text

Hamdi Ben Aissa
3 min readMar 26, 2021

In this life, God writes the context. He writes and decrees the things that are your circumstance, situations and factors outside of your control.

When we are young, usually as adolescents, the first thing we wake up to start to critique and question is our context. This is a sign of awakening, but also of immaturity. It’s an awakening because we are coming face to face with our limitations. But it’s a matter of immaturity because we have an idea that we want to resist these. We don’t like our bodies, their build or structure; we don’t like our faces, their features or colour; we don’t like our parents, their language or culture.

As one grows older, maturity dictates that one realizes that these matters are out of our hands. The more we mature, the more we come to accept our context and learn to not rage against it. We start to even realize that life situations, such as the job we have or the marital status we have, or even the partner we have or the children we have or don’t have, are matters of Divine Destiny — that is, they were written by God, and not something we should fuss over endlessly.

What we will be asked about is not our context, but our text. What text will you write in the context you are given? What stand or stance will you take, in the space God has granted you and the situations He causes to arise for you? Stop thinking about how to change your context, or what’s wrong with it — and start focusing on what text you are writing.

Some people have a context that is like a full white page in a notebook: clean and waiting to be filled with extraordinarily good words and works. Others are given only half a page or a quarter to write in: their lives are short. Yet others have a page that may be full of scratched out lines and words — trauma they have experienced or inherited, that leaves them only a small corner of a page to write in. But all of us have some amount of room to write in. And all of us have the choice of what text we will write in the space our context affords us. Sometimes the person with room for only one word, outdoes the one with an entire page to scrawl on.

What good you choose to do in your context, is the text you write on the page God has given you. You and God alone know how much of a page you have been given, and how much room you have to inscribe something beautiful. But even if you have room for only one word, that one word could be enough to make the cut, and be part of the book.

And what is this book? It’s the story of Prophet Muhammad’s Mission…it’s his story. You have been invited with the greatest invitation of all: to contribute a line to his story.

What line will you write in his story? Or will you contribute an entire paragraph? What word will you offer? So that your one precious life can be counted as a page in his book…may it be so.

