Martyr Children of CanadaOnly a few weeks ago I shared a poem called “Martyr Children,” about the children of Palestine who were being killed on a daily basis by…Jun 3, 20212Jun 3, 20212
A memorialBy the Grace of God, people are celebrating the ceasefire in the Holy Land. We thank the Lord. Indeed, peace on earth is always the Victory…May 22, 20212May 22, 20212
Plant a TreeThere is a deeply beautiful Teaching of the Final Messenger of God, Prophet Muhammad, may the light of God continue to nourish his soul and…May 17, 20214May 17, 20214
Goodbye, noble guestLast night, it was the final night of praying Taraweeh for this year.May 12, 202116May 12, 202116
Retribution or Elevation?People generally gloat over other people’s falling when they perceive them to be facing Divine justice. Other than this attitude being an…Apr 10, 20213Apr 10, 20213
Write your TextIn this life, God writes the context. He writes and decrees the things that are your circumstance, situations and factors outside of your…Mar 26, 202136Mar 26, 202136
Letter to the BelovedI recently participated in a ceremony to honour the participants in a project called “Letters to the Beloved,” in which people compose…Mar 16, 202130Mar 16, 202130
THREE AREAS FOR RECONCILIATIONThere is a statement that is attributed to the Apostle of God, may the light of God continue to nourish his soul and our connection to him…Feb 13, 202137Feb 13, 202137
SINCERITY: the only currency“Every act of goodness is a Sadaqa,” said the Noble Guide, may the light of God continue to nourish his soul and our connection to him.Jan 28, 2021251Jan 28, 2021251
IMAGINE HIMOn the Path of spiritual enlightenment, there is a practice of a special kind of meditation that expresses love for the Guide, Muhammad.Jan 22, 20217Jan 22, 20217
A morning of LoveThe Divine Being only created us to seek Him, to awaken to His Love for us, and to come into harmony with His Love for us.Jan 20, 202141Jan 20, 202141
Friendship and Anti-friendship or How to be Loveable to the BelovedI sing the praises of my Lord, and I seek connection to the Final Guide and Apostle, the Noble one, Muhammad.Jan 18, 2021131Jan 18, 2021131
Love can never be undoneThe truth is, if you have loved someone, you will always love them. Even if time comes in the way, or space, or misunderstandings.Jan 16, 2021141Jan 16, 2021141
ROOTS IIEveryday, we speak so many words. We don’t even keep track of all that we’ve said, though every single word is being recorded by noble…Jan 6, 20219Jan 6, 20219
WHO ARE MIRACLES FOR?Some people feel intimidated today when they see the power and force that those committing evil display. And not only display, but…Nov 28, 20208Nov 28, 20208